Tuesday, March 17, 2009
By Marlon Dirk
As the most common cancer in men in the United States, prostate cancer affects thousands of men. Prostate cancer research aims to raise money and awareness to contribute towards improving treatment and finding a cure or cures for this disease.
Prostate cancer is extremely rare in men under 45, it commonly affects men in their 50's and is most often diagnosed in men in their 70's. As it is a cancer that specifically affects older men, it often goes undetected as it can have no symptoms in the early stages or the symptoms are unnoticed, or put down to 'old age'.
As yet there are no cures for prostate cancer, so research looks into this, as well as improving the conditions for men currently suffering from prostate cancer. Research also looks at how to improve the current treatments and how to prevent the cancer from reoccurring after treatment.
The prostrate gland is located between the bladder and rectum and is part of the male reproductive system. The prostate gland is used in the production and storage of seminal fluid.
The current treatments for prostate cancer depend on if the cancer has metastasized (spread) to other parts of the body, especially to the bones or lymph nodes, or not. If the cancer is still contained within the prostate then radiation therapy can be undertaken to kill the cancer cells with x-rays.
A radical prostatectomy can also be performed. This is surgery to remove the entire prostate gland. If the surgery is successful and the cancer is all removed then the likelihood of a recurrence is low. Recurrence of the cancer is slightly higher if radiation therapy is undertaken.
If the cancer has spread outside of the prostate gland then radiation therapy and radical prostatectomy are no longer treatment options. Hormone therapy can be undertaken to limit the growth of the hormone. Research has shown that prostate cancer growth is linked to male hormones called androgens.
Androgens, such as testosterone, are produced in the testicles and these hormones can cause the tumor to grow very quickly which increases the risk of the cells spreading. Therefore by limiting the amount of male hormones, you can slow the growth of the tumor. This can be done by medication, although sometimes the testicles are removed to assist the hormone treatment.
The other treatment option is called 'watchful waiting' or 'active surveillance'. This is when no medical treatment is undertaken, however you are closely monitored by your doctor and tests are done to detect any changes in the tumor.
It is hoped that with continued prostate cancer research that treatments will exist and more options will become available, especially to reduce the incidence of reoccurrence after treatment. The eventual aim of prostate cancer research is to find a cure for this deadly disease.
Prostate cancer is one of the leading health problems of man today especially when he reaches the over-the-hill age. Every man should have more than enough information about this predicament and what the best remedies are for it and here at http://www.a1prostatecancertips.com
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Marlon_Dirk